khotin favicon khotin


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khotin favicon

Additional Info

Created On: Dec 13, 2012

Author: Integrated Data Systems, LLC

Country: United States, US

File Size: 16936Kb

Color Depth: 32Bit


Trang rao vt min phi hang u Vit Nam vi la chon tinh huyn va cac tiu chi tim kim nhanh chong mang lai s thoai mai, thun tin. ng ky gian hang min phi vi nhiu skin va cac tinh nng quan ly vt tri. Quang cao san phm nhanh chong va hiu qua. Tim kim ng nghia a ra kt qua ung va gn ung nht khotin kho tin Kh tin

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  • Upload .ico file

    Put the favicon.ico file into your website root directory (i.e. www or public_html)
  • Insert code

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    tags of the page. Change default .ico path if needed.

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