celly favicon celly


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celly favicon

Additional Info

Created On:

Author: DADA S p a

Country: Florence, 16, Italy

File Size: 4264Kb

Color Depth: 32Bit


CELLY :: mobile phones accessories: batteries, chargers, headsets, bluetooth, handsfree, cases, memories :: computer accessories: mouses, keyboards, tablets, bags :: Nokia, Samsung, BlackBerry, Apple, Sony-Ericsson, HTC, LG, Motorola, Sweet Yers, Muvit, Maloperro

No categories has been added for this Favicon.

How to add the Favicon to your Page?

  • Download

    Create and Download copy of favicon .ico file
  • Upload .ico file

    Put the favicon.ico file into your website root directory (i.e. www or public_html)
  • Insert code

    Add the following lines between the <head> ... </head>
    tags of the page. Change default .ico path if needed.

HowTo create Favicon?

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